Exclusive Treatments for Plantar Warts Offered by Dr. Vohra
Plantar Wart RemovalPlantar warts are usually noncancerous growths that develop on the soles of the feet as a result of the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV enters the body through tiny breaks in the skin, which are often present beneath pressure points in the feet on the heels or balls. These warts appear on the skin as a small, hard bump that may be gray or brown with well-defined boundaries. In some patients, they may cause pain or tenderness with walking.
While plantar warts are not usually a serious condition, many patients experience pain or embarrassment regarding this condition and may desire treatment for comfort or aesthetic motivations. Patients should seek medical attention for warts that are painful, change appearance or color, or those which multiply or interfere with normal activities. It is important for patients with diabetes or circulatory disorders to seek immediate treatment in order to reduce the risk of serious complications. Plantar warts can be very resistant, but may be removed through several different noninvasive and invasive procedures, including strong acids, burning, cryotherapy (freezing), hyfercation, laser surgery, cathandrin, immunotherapy, excision, and medications. These outpatient procedures are usually effective in removing warts with little to no scarring. Dr. Vohra will decide which treatment option is best for you based on your individual condition. Patients can reduce their risk of developing plantar warts by keeping the feet clean and dry, avoiding direct contact with warts, and avoiding walking barefoot in public areas. Call Foot and Ankle Specialists today to properly evaluate and treat your condition at 815-254-3338. |